Alpha Mate Chapter 8

Alpha Mate Chapter 8



It took a few days before I became at 

strong enough to leave the condues of my co. The moon shko a powerful herb callest mooshunde tot alleviated its weakening symptoms. It kept que strong and being a cure, only a deterrent. The lysan absolial dreadful 

was woparning. Just luckily, the Iyo dily Jenking. Unfortunately, it was 

For was the Bitti miler of his kingdean. His 

y while I was bound to the comidines 

Some time had passed since my heated interacts with the king. For starters, his mane was Darius, parents were late and he was an only child, but he did have a few cousins. Throughout the pures of my ferngery of my room. Darius visited every chaise he got, anil inte band strengthened ever so sligh 

We’ll both agrees to keep my illness a secret. It was the best way to keep ur safe is being his mate put me in danger, aist enemies could try to kill or pudwon the an was another reason why he was choosing to hide my ailment, bus Kalilov’t pushi down. Til dowly grown to trust him

old being a political target Tharios explained alat merely ign innocence by blaming my deali in my illnen. Ikure 

Eventually, I’d managed to open up to Darius, sharing what little I could alumit my family and how fod coiled up here. During our conversi learned that –to my most surprise- Mallonis actually wasn’t communicable. Berhaps any case was different because Lyra and I were identica twins and basically shared the same DNA 

Durus had been very conflicted about my situation. On the one Isual, he wanted to introduce himself to my parents as their daughter’s amate laat on the other –at the same time he scanted to punish them for what they’d done to me. It had taken everything in i direct confrontation with my parents wouklio little to help way situation 

convince him that

Of course, that had been a lie. I wanted to be the one to bring my Landy to just dry wis trims. No one, not even Darius, was goin that away from the was something I had to do a way own, when the time was siglut, despite the fact that even now, my family’s hariray up like red ants, eating away at the fleshy remains of my heart and mund until there was nothing felt. My chest tightened whenevri and it became too difficult to think straight or even leathe 

Under normal circumstances, returning to Aeternum inmediately would’ve been the most ideal decision to make, just the club growing inside of me complicated things. Too much was happening at the same time, and time was the one thing I didn’t have, not anymore

1 shivered as I let my fingers trace the lines of my belly. Never had ever heard at a she woll with Mallis bring pregnant at the same time, ch less being able to successfully bear her chill Mallanis necured in shifters so rarely, trason as to why there was still yet to be a cine, fu dhe last 50 years, only 3 people has contracted Mallonix in Aeternain, and they had all died before I was even diom 

There were so many questions that were belt unanswered, questions that even Ikarins had no ansier to Like, low did Mallonix interact with pregnancy? Was it safe, or would the sickness seep into my child’s being like it had mine? Wand my child be more prone to contract it in the funere because of me

The thought alone left a sinking, cokl fear in my bring as bile rose in my throat, so large that it felt like it would burst in any throat

This was all Lyra’s doing. Here I was, dying in a foreign land while I yra enjoyed the fruits of everything Pil labored all of my life for. Now, I was the careless evil twin who had put her pack in danger and was neue Earing the consequences of all her deeds. E kore no one in my pack particularly liked Lyra, but no one ever voiced in for fear of angering my parents, since it was so glaringly obvious that she way their favourite. Everyone must be thinking good riddanceby now, whilst crowning the imposter as alpla 

My parents probably thought Lyra could keep up with all of shur hard work, but I knew my sister like I knew the lack of my pain. Lyra didn’t know the slightest thing about leading a pack. She would definitely upander the park’s resources before anyone could blink. All the leadership classes Til strenously attended, the scheduled meetings with the elders, all of the rigorous training til gone through that Lyra had never bothered to attend, I knew it was all going to come back and bite her, hard

How long would her illusion lost before tongues started wagging in suspicion? How long would she be able to keep up the act! How long could Actemum be able to go without their healer

They thought they could get rid of me that easily, but if the Mallonis got to me first and I never managed in go home and take back what was rightfully mine, then this child in my belly would be my vengeance. If I never managed to become the Alpha of Aeternum, then my child wosild. and I was ready to do everything in my power to save this child, crawl out of the grave if I had to

Patience, that was what I needed right now, Let them think I’m dead. Let them think everything went according to plan. Give them time to dance on my empty grave and finally, when they least expect it, when the eklens begin questioning Lyra’s competence, when they realize their Arya can no longer heal. I’ll strike. It wouldn’t be too long before the time was ripe. I already knew that in no more than three weeks, Aeternam weld fall apart without me

Patience, Arya 

ety first, and that meant staying back in the une place with the most advanced magic and technology 

Right now, I had to think about my baby’s safety 



Darm stipposedly had a plan he’d come up with, but he insisted on sharing it only after I was strong enough to leave my moon. Thankfully, was today 

I hurriedly ate my beakfast of Coen tea and tech must before taking a warm slower. Maids poured into my room, hanging several dresses. handpicked by Darius for our meeting at the stables. Despite the fact that the world we lived in was advanced with modern reclinology, the lycans had a preference for doing things the old fashioned way 

They still incorporated modern styles in some aspects of their life. For example, some of them used cell phones, though many still he trained pigrims 

Once, Darius had sent que a letter through one, which had scared the daylights out of me when I woke up to find a pigeon perched on my silk 


Lycan hospitals basted technology even more advanced than that of my pack’s. Everyone doessed 

Eashioned way for important meetings, especially those bom into royalty, It was clear that the Lycans were very comcious almost preserving their culture. The people rode bicycles, bones and carriages, and must people walked within the territory, at least from what I could see from the winslow in my room where Filspent most of my alone time peoplewatching 

The only times the lycans used cars was when they were traveling a long 

Wash time, I came to understand why the lycans actually lacked slowns werewolves. They believed we’ll forsaken the ways of old for Inman technology. But who were they to judge

I ran my fingers through the fabrics of the dresses Bush picked out for me. They were all so beautiful that I clicn’t know which one med My eyes seitled on a stew colored dress with floral patterns and I inhaled sharply the moment I put it on. The quaday was divine, and it complimented my blonde, gravity defying hair, my pale skin and grey eyes. It lugged me in all the right places and I twirled like a child in front of my dressing minor before I caught myself

This was strange. I couldn’t remember ever being this girly or duce in my life. Something about that made me uncomfortable, like I shouldn’t be doing this. When did I become sa.. princess like? That was Lyra’s thing, not mine. Real women never waste their time looking in the mirror or they’d get nothing done, righ 

Suddenly, there was a gratle knock on the door as one of the mushervants peered into my mom

Lailly Arya, the king is waiting to see youshe said

Thank you. I’ll be there in a minute.I said

Once the maid left, I immediately changed out of the red dress and opted for a darker, simpler gown. I didn’t compliment me as much, but what did that matter! I brushed my hair and packed it into a bun. Taking a final glance at myself in the mirror, I nodded in approval. A flying woman has no use for fancy dresses or expensive jewelry

I walked out of my room, down the large stairways, passing by the large council chambers Dilrushed past a few days ago in my bid to save Calists. I’d come to learn that the members of the lycan coimal were the only people who came close to rivaling Darius’s power throughout the entire kingdom 

Despite the fact that Danswas absolute, there were certain things he couldn’t do if the council eldersall friends of his late father 

according to the small lecture he’d given me a while ago- furbade it. The council worked as a restraint to his absolute power as the king of his prople 

The only reason why I hadn’t stood trial for being somewhat responsible for Calista’s predicament was because Darius had vehemently pushed against it. He’d somehow managed to win them over with the fact that I completely healed Calista and my pack only needed to pay a line of sorts, which, as my pack’s representative, I’d have to negotiate directly with the council 

A small shiver ran down my spine as I breezed past the council chambers. For some reason, I was dreading that future negotiation

I reached the end of the stairway and walked across the foyer to meet Darius 

Aryahe called, heading towards me. He bowed and I curtsied, then he took my hand in his, kissed it geraly and led me towards the stables

You look beautifulhe whispered into my ears and I halfsmiled 

Thank you for the dresses Toil 

You’re welcome, but you don’t exactly look happyhe replied, squeezing my hands

I’m fine.I replied

We walked towards the stables where sleek black horses bound to a carriage awaited us. The liones pawed the ground impatiently as we settled into the plush seats of the carriage. Darius broke out a whip and the carriage jolted forward as we rode away from the castle. As the horses cantered 


forward, I noticed Darius tense posture. His jaw was set and his eyes were hard as they stared off into the distance

Where are we headed?I asked

There’s a man who lives around these parts who can make a cure for any ailment using his patient’s blood. He’s a recluse and has been out of practice for years. Finding him was extremely difficult, but I was able to do so while you were resting.Darius said

But if he’s been 

en out of practice for so long, do you think he’ll be agree to help?I asked, doubt creeping into my voice

He willDarius said, the worry lines on his forehead deepening

if all else fails, I’ll have to use forceDarius said and I drew in a sharp breath. 

You can’t you shouldn’t-” 

Those words don’t exist when it comes to you Darius said, his gaze fixed on the road. I opened my mouth to argue but when I noticed how tense and worried he was, I decided against it. He was doing this because he cared about my wellbeing, and while I would never let him resort to violence of any sort. I decided that now wasn’t the best time to voice that opinion

The landscape blurred past us as we rode towards the outskins of the kingdom. Suddenly, we reached a jungle like undergrowth and Darius reigned in the horses

The carriage can’t go any further, but we can bring a horse.” Darius said as he helped me down from the carriage

We mounted the horse and rode in silence into the forest. After what felt like an eternity, we stepped into a small clearing. An old man with silver hair sat on a weathered stool outside a cottage, stroking a long pipe

Mr Ebezina?Darius called, his voice echoing through the still forest

The old man armed slowly to face us, a wry smile on his lips

Your majesty. I’ve been expecting you.” Ebezina said with a voice raspy with age

Darius stiffened. Someone told you we were coming

The forest didEbezina replied as he brought out stools for us to sit. I watched Darius’s tense muscles relax

I don’t suppose you came all the way out here to chat with an old man.Ebezina continued

No, I need your helpDarius said, gently pulling me forward. My mate has Mallonix. Help her, please.” 

I noted how Darius hadn’t asked if Ebezina could help, but subtly insisted that he should 

Ebezina took a long, hard look at Darius. Then his gaze shifted to mine with an intense scrutiny that made me suppress a shiver. The old man’s pupils were almost white, and it reminded me of a certain child I did not wish to recall at the moment

Step forward, child.” Ebezina commanded softly. I obeyed, extending my hands to meet his 

As he took it, a strange sensation coursed through my being. It felt like a million invisible fingers were probing every inch of my body. It was an unpleasant feeling, but I didn’t pull away. If this was all I had to endure to get rid of this disease, I was the luckiest creature on earth

After what felt like ages, Ebezina let go of my hands and settled hack on his stool, breathing heavily. We waited patiently for his response as he inhaled from his pipe and puffed out a large cloud of smoke from his lungs

The disease you’re carrying is not your own.Ebezina finally said

I’m awareI said, desperation creeping into my voice

that isn’t possible. Mallonis isn’t something you can just transfer to someone else. Its unheard of. Daries argued

Ebezina raised his brow at Darius, clearly not appreciating the doubt toward his diagnosis

What I saw was clear. Your mate’s illness seems to have come from someone else. I have never seen such a thing, but if it could be transferred once, it can be done again.” Ebezina said

Darius’s eyes widened: What are you saying?he asked

Ebezina glanced at the two of us and let out a breath



You’ll need to find a willing vessel to transfer her Mallonix to instead.” 

1 inhaled sharply, gripping my stool to steady myself as a wave of shock swept over me. The thought of being able to escape my deadly fate felt like a light piercing through the pitch black abyss of my despair, just when I’d come so close to giving up on living long enough to meet the life growing inside of me. A smile nearly escaped my lips, but the weight of Ebezina’s words crushed it before it could form A willing vessel, that only meant… 

Someone else will have to die in my place,I whispered

I knew I wanted to save my child at all costs, but I’d never once considered murder an option

Is that our only choice!Darius asked, his voice strained

Mallonix has no cure your highness. Only a transfer will guarantee she’ll liveEbezina said

long enough to birth my child and watch them grow, the thought of someone else 

Hope and guilt swirled within me. As much as I wanted to live long dying in my place weighed heavily on my shoulders

I don’t want to put someone else in danger.” I said, my voice breaking

We don’t have to.Darkus said, then turned to face Ebezina 

I do ithe stated and a nervewrecking panic spread throughout my body. My wolf yelped inside of me and it was as it for a moment, I forget how to breathe

Nno. Yyou can’t- Darius gripped me hard before I could finish, his eyes hardened with resolve 

I’ve told you before, haven’t I Darius said softly, cupping my face as the blue of his eyes shone

Those words don’t exist when it comes to you.” 


Alpha Mate Novel

Alpha Mate Novel

Status: Ongoing


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