Alpha Mate Chapter 14

Alpha Mate Chapter 14

Chapter 14 


I’d told Charlotte I’d explain everything to her on the way to the Kaninye household, but of course I hadn’t. The carriage ride was too tense for either of us to speak or for Charlotte to dare break the silence, especially since she wasn’t sure why we were suddenly silent in the first place

Calista’s was Ebezina’s granddaughter, or at least that’s what I thought. But even if my hypothesis wound up being wrong, a woman with Mallonix had birthed Calista. She hadn’t had much time to live, but she’d managed to birth Calista before she’d died. If Calista could remember a mother she’d never met, surely she could remember exactly what it was her mother had done to save her life

And this necklace, was it the same one her mother had worn, or had Charlotte gotten it all wrong

Time was the one thing I didn’t have on my side. If I died by the rise of the second moon, even the most advanced clinical incubators wouldn’t be able to save my child. Every day. I felt the bond I had with my baby grow stronger. I’d already lost my home, my family, my life. But this child, this chill Troukin’t bear to lose

All of my fears and hopes hung in the balance as we approached Calista’s home. I thought I’d be able to get valuable information from her thanks to Charlotte’s earlier mention of Calista’s fondness towards me, but standing here now, watching Calista duck behind Charlotte’s blouse seemed to dash my hopes to the wind

Calie, what’s wrong? Charlotte asked, squatting to face the child

Calista remained silent as she peered at me, clearly very disturbed

Uman_is she shy?I asked, hoping deeply that that was the issue, not that she’d divulged my secret to someone else and was now hiding to avoid being punished

No. She’s not usually like this.” Charlotte replied, rising to her feet

Charlotte gently stroked Calista’s hair, looking slightly worried

How about I go make supper and you get to know Lady Aryal Charlotte offered. She didn’t wait for an answer before heading into the house. throwing a small reassuring smile at me on her way in

Calista looked ready to bolt into the house right after Charlotte but stayed put for some reason. I took a deep breath, calming my mind and nerves. I had so many questions I wanted to ask, but I needed to remember Calista was only a child. Treating her as anything other than that wouldn’t get me anywhere

Do I make you uncomfortable?I asked 

Calista remained quien, locking and unlocking her fingers as she stared nervously

sly at her feet. Charlotte must’ve greatly misunderstood whatever 

was Calista must have told her to make her believe she was fond of me 

I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable dear. Would you like me to leave?I asked, knowing fully well I wouldn’t even if she answered positively to that question

Nno.” a tiny voice muttered

It took a moment for me to realize that voice was coming from Calists. I don’t know why 

by I’d thought she’d speak to me in many deep voices like 

she’d done the last time

I’m glad to hear you sound nothing like a man.I joked, cracking a smile

Calista seemed to shrink at my words, and I realized my remark may have been a bit too upsetting for her

I was only joking, sorry.I said

Calista was silent for a while, clearly struggling with whatever it was that was on her mind

I’m sorry for what I said the other day. She started, her eyes glistening with tears. You saved my life, and I woke up and told you that horrible prophecy” 

My eyes widened in surprise. Had Calista been riddled with guilt all this time? Was that why she’d hidden behind Charlotte, because she thought

was mad at her

The sudden realization made me laugh out loud and Calista stared at me, confused

That’s fine love. You told me what I already knew, so we’re good, okay?I said, lowering myself to her level


Chapter 14 

It was still mean off me and I’m really sorry. Sometimes I can’t control my powers and they just take off on their own.Calista muttered

My smile widened. She was such a sweet and innocent little thing, Why had I been nervous about meeting her in the first place? Sure, she’d given me the creeps when she foretold my death at the hospital, but she was still just a child

I gently ruffled Iser hair

I let it go if you say we can be friend 1 whispered, grinning 

Calista beamed at me and the most beautiful smile graced her lips

You really mean that?she asked excitedly

Every word” 

We were behind the house now, seated round a small table in the courtyard at the back whilst the aroma from Charlotte’s cooking filled the air. I’d told Calista I didn’t want anyone listening in on our conversation and this setting gave us the antieavesdropping advantage compared to the front of the house, according to her

Chadone mentioned I remind you of your mother. I started, watching Calista closely as she munched on one of the chocolate cookies Charlotte had brought out for us

Can you tell me why?” 

Because Mummy also had the Mallonix while she was pregnant with me Calista replied

Umm Do you have any idea what she took while she was pregnant with you?I asked

Charlotte told me Grandpa brewed her tons of potions and tonics” 

Yes. Charlone also mentioned a necklace.” I said, pulling our the one around my neck. Once the blue light hit Calista, her eyes widened in surprise

It looks just like herst Where did you get it??Calista beamed excitedly, mirroring my actions as she pulled an identical necklace from around her 

For some reason, seeing that the necklare I was wearing was probably not the original one her mother had worn in her time made my heart fall. Maybe she wasn’ʼn Ebezina’s granddaughter after allk 

Ohh. A friend gave it to me.I replied, a dark cloud crossing my features. I could see the necklaces were identical, but did they have the same amount of potency

But only grandpa can make 

ke those Calista replied, chewing absentmindedly on a cookie

Grandpa? Was my hypothesis still correct? I needed to be sure

I think I met your grandpa a few days ago.” I said, tucking the necklace under my blouse

Really? You met Grandpa Ebi Calista chimed 

1 looked at her, confused 

You mean 


Yes! Exactly!” Calistas 

a said, clapping her hands. My pounding heart seemed to match her excitement as I smiled in relief. I’d been right after all

He rarely comes to visit anymoreCalista continued

Visit? But Charlotte said she’s never seen him before.” I replied

He doesn’t like to be around people. He has this potion that makes him invisible.Calista said, beaming with pride

With a man like Ebezina, that sounded perfectly normal. But I needed to get back on track with the mission at hand

That necklace you’re wearing, is it the same one your mother wore?I asked

No. Grandpa has itshe said

That only meant one thing, this was really Ify’s necklace around my neck 


Chapter 14 

Warmth filled my chest as 1 breathed a sight of rebel. I’d already been to Ebezina’s, and knew if there was a tonic he could brew to save my life or at least prolong it, he would’ve done so a long time ago. At least I had this necklace at my disposal now, which I could already tell was more powerful than the moonshade Darius had been brewing me. I doubted Ebezina would try to hide any secret potion that could help me. Besides, my version of Mallonix wasn’t normal. In other words, mission complete, for now I guess

I looked up at the late afternoon sky. I needed to head back to the castle now. Darius might be worried

Thank you for having me, CalieI said, rising to my feet

Calista looked at me and shot up from her chair, worry written all

over her face

Ddid I do something wrong?she askeil, panic evident in her voice 

Of course not honey,I said, smiling down at her. You did nothing wrong. I just need to return to the castle.” 

Did you want me to do anything for you?! I’m sorry for not asking earlier. Calista said, concern still written all over her face

No sweetie. I’m fine, I promise.I said, making to leave the courtyard. 

I could try again!Calista yelled

I turned around to look at her

Try what again?I asked, curious, She looked like a remorseful child who’d been accused of ill manners… 

I could try looking into your future again. I could try looking for a solutionshe mattered

A wave of hope and anxiety washed over me. A solution 

You can do that?I asked

Calista managed a faint smile

I’m the lycan oracle. I can ask the spirits for every single possible outcome of your fate and beg them to show me a different path. But Galista said, her voice dimming

But what?Lasked, my heart racing

Whatever the spirits foretell always becomes written in stone, unless they say otherwise.Calista said

1 expelled a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding in. Did I want to risk doing this again? What if the spirits foretold something even worse than my last prophecy? What if this gesture sealed my child’s Gate

Calista noticed my pensive mood and became slightly withdrawn

It’s fine if you don’t want me e to.” She mattered. My divinations are almost always bad anyway. Maybe you shouldn’t- 

Do it.I said, cutting her off

Calista looked at me, surprised 

But but what if” 

Just do it.” I said again. Please” 

Calista slowly nodded

I try my best,she said

Standing opposite me, Calista held my hands and asked me to clear my mind and I did so, though with great difficulty

Calista took a deep breath, then shut her eyes and held onto my palm tightly. Suddenly, her brunette hair started changing color, turning white from the roots of her hair and spreading all the way to the ends. Her hair drifted in the wind, swirling around her as if it were part of a spirit’s dance. Her eyes fluttered opened, and the brown of her eyes became ghostly white, just like that time at the hospital. Only she was directly in front of me now, which made her look more ethereal than frightening. Her feet hovered above the ground and it felt like she was holding on to me so she wouldn’t float into the sky

Her features contoried, her eyes darting around as if she was struggling with whatever it was she was the spirits were showing her. She was silent throughout the process and my heart hanged in my chest. Dear goddess, was I going to regret this too


Chapter 11 

I took a deep breath to steal my nerves. Even if it meant I’d run into several walls, I’d keep searching for a way to keep my child alive. I knew I didn’t have enough options at my disposal. Heck, Tharely had any at all. So whatever it was, even if it was only a fraction of a chance. I’d take it

Slowly, Calista’s feet kissed the ground. The white of her hair disappeared and her eyes returned to its natural color. When I saw her eyes glistening with tears, I almost died of a heart attack

I spoke with the spiritsShe started. They said the future is uncertain.she whispered and my heart swelled

Uncertainty, that meant there was still a chance. But from the shadow cast over her features, I knew she wasn’t telling me everything

What else did they say?I asked, my heart pounding in my cars

Calista looked away and my grip on her palm tightened

Tell me Calista, please.” 

Calista managed to look me in the eye and I threw her a reassuring look. No matter what she said, I wouldn’t hold it against her 

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them again, her pupils where ghostly white like they’d been a few seconds ago

Arya Blackwood of the Aeternum pack,” she started, covering my skin in goosebumps as she spoke in many voices at once

The fate of the child in your belly wavers like smoke in the wind. Only time will tell where their fate lies But as for you, accursed child, a future where you fail to die doesn’t exist.” 

When Calista blinked again, her eyes were bac 

trere back to normal, but now glistening with tears

I’m sorry Lady Arya,she whispered and I immediately wrapped my arms around her in a warm hug

Thank you.I whispered, my eyes glistening with unshed tears

She looked at me

partly confused

Ffor whatshe asked and I smiled at her

“For giving me hope” 

I said goodbye to Calista and promised to visit again soon. The carriage ride back to the castle was somewhat praceful. I’d managed to keep Charlotte in the dark about my predicament, though I knew she’d undoubtedly have her suspicions, especially after I’d recklessly revealed my moon necklace to her. But I’d have to worry about that later. It didn’t matter that the spirits had also reconfirmed my death. I just had to concentrate on saving my child. I’d long figured fighting against my fate would be equivalent to fist fighting a sandstorm

The carriage pulled up to the bronze gates of the canle and 1 alighted carefully. I gave the carriage the same instruction I’d given to the first one I’d ridden with Charlotte -to come back the following day for his payment. However, this rider insisted the trip back was free and left. I guess living in the castle come with its privileges

As I made my way across the foyer, I stopped the moment I saw a very angry looking Darius glaring at me from the other end

ou been?” He asked in a low growl

Where have you 

t.I replied, meeting up with him

You should’ve told someone where you were going.He said. You should’ve told me.” 

I’m back now, aren’t I?I asked, quirking my brow 

Darius captured my waist in a swift motion and roughly pulled me against him. Our gaze mer, mine unwavering. Then his features softened and he suddenly wrapped his arms around me

I was worried.” he whispered, and I felt something inside of me melt 

I was only out on a stroll. I didn’t think I’d be gone that longI replied, giving into his warmth 

Next time, at least take a guard with you.” 

Yes your majesty.I mocked with a small smile

Now you’re bring patronizinghe said as he led me into the castle and all the way to my room


Chapter 14

Have pot had anything to eat!he asked as he sat by the window 

I’m fine.I replied, taking a seat at the edge of my bed. I wasn’t sure whether to tell him about Calista’s divination, but I figured now wasn’t the time to remind him of the fact I was dying, especially when he looked relatively peaceful compared to all the other times he’d been to my room

sall, one look at lum and I could tell that all wasn’t exactly well

Is there something on your mind. Darius!I probed 

*It’s the councilHe replied, and my heart skipped. I knew we’d be having a council related conversation sooner or later. I wasn’t sure I was in the 

sof mind to negotiate and argue with old, grey haired men

Ohhwas all I managed to say

They’ve been making a fuss about your stay in the castle for a while now. I think it’s about time I put an end to their bickering.Darius said

What will you do!Lasked

Lalready knew the council acted to dieckmate Darius absolute reign, and a part of me slightly dreaded the thought of what course of action be would take to appease thent

We’re heading out tomorrow.” Darius said, rising to his feet and staring out the window

My breath caught in my throat, I knew I’d long overstayed my welcome here, but was Darius really going to kick me out of the castle

I was basically an orphan now so I had no right to protest leaving. A house in the city wasn’t such a bad idea, but I’d grown rather fond of the castle, and I knew living in the city would only bring unwanted attention to myself and my predicament 

Heading out to where?I asked, needing to be sure

To meet the council of course Darius replied, still looking out the window

Okay, now I was confusedl 

To do what exactly?Lasked

Darius turned away from the window, anching his brow as a grin spread across his lips

To make you my queen” 


Alpha Mate Novel

Alpha Mate Novel

Status: Ongoing


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