My aunt despised me so deeply that she wanted to give me a beating the second she saw
- me.
I calmly pointed my phone at her and said, “Go ahead, hit me if you dare. However, I won’t hesitate to ring the police.”
Henry, who had been standing quietly in the background, quickly dragged her away from
- me.
He released a long sigh and said, “Kae, no one wanted things to get this bad. It’s my fault for being too busy to notice how your aunt and Jasmine were treating you. I’ve already dealt with them. They won’t dare to pick on you anymore.”
I looked at him with cold detachment. “Good cop and bad cop, huh? You two really do work together perfectly. If I hadn’t overheard you saying I was a bitch who bullied your daughter and that I should have died with my parents, I might still believe you were a decent person.
He had spent so long pretending to be a gentleman that he didn’t know what to say after I exposed his act. Instead, he could only stay silent and continue to stand there uncomfortably.
Rebecca, however, had no such reservations. She stormed over to my apartment door and proceeded to pound on it with all her might while wailing at the tops of her lungs.
“Someone help me! Look at her! This little wretch lost her parents at four! Her uncle and I raised her with our blood, sweat, and tears!
“We treated her like our own daughter and gave her everything. Yet, this is how she repays us, by playing mind games and scheming!
“She bullied my daughter for years, and now she has even gotten her thrown in jail. How did we end up raising such an ungrateful girl? I failed my daughter!”
The apartment building had four units per floor and two elevators. Her dramatic outburst quickly drew a crowd from our floor and the ones above and below.
“Look at her, what a piece of shit.”
“Her poor aunt and uncle! How did they get stuck with someone like her?”
“She’s vile!”
Whenever I didn’t live up to Henry’s and Rebecca’s expectations, they would guilt–trip me with the “we raised you” card. Inevitably, the bystanders would join in and scold me viciously.