Chapter 13
ate as a wave of cold fear washed over me. It took lot a moment for Curlotte to indice.
“Lady Arya, is anything the matter?” Clarlotte asked.
“Oh it’s nothing. I’m Be” I said, despite the fact that I knew my dilating papals said otherwise.
mite! Do you need to lie down? A alrink perhaps?” She asked.
Fri fine.…….” Dald, my voice lucaking off as I tried
think of how to subtly ask what exarily Calista had said about me
“Lit’s just, Din contious to know what the lycan srer has to say about me.” I said.
Olsh. Calista luns taken such a great liking to you. She said you remind her so much of her mother.” Charlotte suid.
Texpelled alurali 1 hashi’t realized I was lulling in
“Just that?” asked to clarily
“What else could she possibly say about your Churlour The fact that I was supposed to die in a few weeks.
“I was just conious.” I replied, my nerves calming
still beaming at me and I relaxed. There was no way she knew I had the Mallonix or
“Tunderstand. Il be curious too if I were you. Calista never got to uneet hier mother and yet, she keeps insisting that you remind her of her.”
Gooselamps spread across my skin at her statement. When I remained silent for a few seconds too long, Charlotte stared back at me and began to wave her hands apologetically.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that in a bad way. I mean, I don’t see any resemblance. You both just happen to have grey eyes” She said, cracking a small
“It’s fine. L’us not taking offense” I replied, though her statement had actually scared me
A gentle breeze blew just us, and we walked as a small silence before I interrupted.
“What happened to Calista’s mother?” Lasked, feeling a need to know.
Charlotte had a sad sanile on her face after my question
Her mother lost her life to Mallonis just after Calista was born Charlotte sail
My eyes widened in surprise and I felt a suckden emotion swirl in my chest at her words, though I wasn’t sure what it was or how to describe it Calisto’s mother had successfully birthed her child before dying. Would I get to be that lucky? Would I get to see and hold my child before I died Would I even get to birth my chikit
A taut, sad smile spread across mny
“Her other was very lucky.” I whispered.
sorted noisily
Curlotte sii
“Lack had nothing to do with it. Ify would’ve risen from the dead to have Calista if it was the last thing she did,” she said, a proud but somewhat sad expression on her face.
I whipped my head up, staring at Charlotte. That panic sounded awfully familiar. Where else had I heard it?
“I used to admire her so much. Calista’s grandfather did everything he could to save her life and went into hiding shortly after her death. The entire kingdom mourned her loss Charlotte continued
Father went into hiding — could it bet
“Do you know who her father is?” I asked.
Chapter la
Charlotte pondered for a second.
“I’m not sure. I heard he used to work in at a hospital in the city back in his days. I never got to meet him. He was a bit of a recluse even to his own Lamily, Charlotte said.
My curiosity piqued I wasn’t sure how exactly to keep the conversation going without looking like I was possibly harboring a fatal ailment myself. Luckily, Charlotte was a bit of a chatterbox herself.
“I’ve lived with the Kaninyes for a Intle over ten years now,” she said.
I assumed Kaninye must be Calista’s household name
“Hy wasn’t supposed to live long enough to have Calista, but she was really stubborn and her father brewed fresh tonics every single day to help her stay alive. I can still recall a carriage pulling up to the house with her medicine every single evening” Charlotte said.
At this point, I never wanted her to stop talking but for some reason, she did. I panicked a little, wandering what else to say.
“Umanalo you luve any idea what he gave his daughter to save her life?” I asked, aching to keep the conversation going
Charlotte looked at me, and my heart thudded in my chest at the thought of her suspecting my ailment. However, her reaction was starkly different. Her eyes beamed with joy, like someone who hadn’t had a person be genuinely interested in a conversation with them for a while.
“I’m not sure what exactly was in the tonic, but I remember some were a bit greenish, and some red. I think she also had this necklace she always wore… what was it called again?
My heart raced with urgency as I impulsively pulled out the necklace from beneath the neckline of my dress without thinking
“Did her necklace look anything like this” I asked.
Charlotte’s eyes widened. “Yes! That’s it. It’s exactly like the one she had. How did you get that?”
There was absolutely no time to explain.
“Can you take me to Calista” I begged, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Yes, but why? Is anything wrong?” Charlotte asked, the first hint of suspicion crossing her features. But at this paint, I couldn’t possibly care less.
“I need to see her. I’ll explain on the way.”
The carriage we’d managed to flag down on the way dropped us outside a large bungalow with a stone walled fence. From where I was sitting, I could see a field that seemed to stretch on for miles, Where the Kaninyes Lammers? That would make sense, given Ebezina’s extensive knowledge of herbs and potions. The house seemed to be detached from the rest of society, like the people here lived in their own little world.
“We’re here.” Charlotte called out and the carriage came to a halt.
We both got down and the rider stared after us for his payment. It took a great deal to convince him to stop by the royal castle the next day to collect it
Just as the carriage throttled off, a brown haired child came bounding towards us, screeching at the top of her lungs. Calista took no notice of me as she lung herself into Charlotte’s arms.
“Calle, look who’s here to pay you a visit.” Charlotte said excitedly.
The moment Calista’s eyes met mine, her features immediately darkened and she ducked behind Charlotte like a frightened child. I’d expected a very different scenario, and watching Calistah hide behind Charlatte’s blouse was a bit like a slap to the face.
Contrary to Charlotte’s belief, I don’t think Calista was particularly fond of me