Chapter 16
Her hair looked like it was woven from black silk and her eyes were the brightest shade of hazel ever seen. She was clearly royalty, or at least born of noble blood and oddly enough, something about her reminded me of 1 yra. Il never been one for jealomy, but knowing that this woman was supposedly Darins‘ chosen mate or whatever that was, made my wolf growl and I almost bared my teeth at her.
She took long, graceful strides in meet us. As she approached, I took in how beautiful and soplasticated she looked and I repressed myself from making a sale comanent I wasn’t going to be that girl.
“Your graces” She said, conseying at the elders who smiled at her
Great, she was their favourite ton!
The lady nimed towards me, almost running me over with her eyes, I gave her my trained facial expression; my not too friendly but not too hostile smile with slightly squinted eyes.
“T’in Arya Blackwood, pleasure in meet you” I said, extending my arms in a polite gesture.
She flicked her long lashes at ime, sending me a glane tlast felt like it had been curated straight from bell, and just for mDC.
“Soraya Thorne” she replied, not returning my handshake as lier eyes flickered to my mate.
“Darid” Soraya said in gestive greeting
“Soraya” Darius replied in a swift appraisal, nodding at her
Soraya turned to gaze at the council elders and we minoted her action
“Alright then, let’s get started” The baki eller – icho I’m going to refer to as baldy from now on- said and the other elders nodded.
“Your highness, I’m sure you’re aware that if you’d like to get yourself a new bridle, you’re supposed modiscuss this with us, the elders. You already. agreed tisentirt and wed Soraya long before now. You can’t just choose another bride at will” Rally said.
“I’m not just choosing another bride, your grace. Fin diousing my mate.“ Darius said.
The elders glanced ac
at each other in bewildermen, clearly surprised. That meant this was the first time Darsis was bringing this to their attention.
“Is that so?” Soraya said, her gaze flickering between nie and Drin
“Yes?” Darius said to Soraya, almost glaring at her. Somehow, their exchange made ΠΕ feel like I had nothing to worry about. But that didn’t mean was going to let Darius off the hook that easily.
“Well then, congratulations. Soraya said with a tight simile.
“Indeed. Congratulations, your highness. Under normal circumstances, this would’ve been great news worthy of the biggest of celebrations Another elder, who wore what appeared to be a dark blue chale that I couldn’t exactly tell what it was from this distance, said. His surprisingly dark hair had specks of gray scattered across. His eyes were Hazel, much like Soraya’s, but his were somewhat darker and more sinister looking.
“And why isn’t it?” Darius asked, the slightest hue of red coating his blue eyes.
“I was made to believe that she’s a werewolf your highness. A werewolf can’t possibly have what it takes to rule by your side” Haldy cut in
“Excuse me?” 1 asked, bewildered. Had he just made that snice comment la my Excel
What is it, Arya of the Aeternum pack?” Bally asked, almost rolling his
“Are you judging my capabilities solely on the fact that I’m a werewolf?” I asked. Darius looked slightly shocked that I’d even commented at all, but nodded in approval regardless,
“How else are we supposed to judge you?” Another elder with green eyes asked, clearly displeased.
“By my character. My race has nothing to do with it.” I replied.
“Forgive my intrusion, but aren’t you the same woman responsible for nearly killing the Lycan oracle?” Soraya chipped in
Okay, this lady was officially getting on my nerves.
Chapter 16
“She wasn’t directly responsible.” Darius said, taking a protective stance beside me. At this point, I knew it would be a wrong move to try and m excuses for crimes Til supposedly committed.
“It doesn’t change the fact that we almost lost the most powerful oracle the kingdom has ever known thanks to her pack” Soraya said, her voice laced with veroth.
“Arya made up for it by healing the oracle, completely. Calista is fine and doing better than ever before so I’d suggest you drop that topic” Darius said, glaring at Soraya who looked slightly shocked before quickly regaining her composure.
“Soraya, the council has agreed to wave off punishment for the she–wolf in place of a fine which will be negotiated soon enough. Now, on to more pressing munters.” Baldy said.
I bet none were as pressing as the way his pot belly pressed into the long table and nearly threatened to topple it over
“Your majesty, I’m afraid the council is not in support of your notion to wed the werewolf. She may be your mate, but that doesn’t take away the fact that she’s not one of us and hence, not it to rule us” Baldy continued.
“Our people have always favored the mare bond over any other type of bond in the world. Are you insisting that I go against the ways of my fathers?” Darius asked, his voice powerful and authoritative.
“Your forefathers were never once mated to a werewolf your highness. It is our job to keep
ep the state of the kingdom in order just as much as it is yours, and we want what is right for you and our kingdom.” Another elder who spotted a bright yellow hat and had dark colored eyes chipped in
“Are there any laws that prohibit a Lyran marrying a werewolf?” Darius asked, in a tone that said “Are you stupid, or does this have something to do with your aging brain cells?”
“None, but only because the thought had never been conceived before.” Yellow harted elder said, looking to the other elders for approval and they nodded accordingly, or at least almost all of them did.
Out of the 7 elders seated at the table, only four were actively participating in the meeting. One seemed very present, nodding his nearly bald head in approval or disapproval as he saw fit, even sometimes shaking his head in disapproval when another elder spoke. But he didn’t utter a word. The most he did was stroke his stubby chin in thought
The second was the most interesting of the three. He’d been doing nothing but stare at me all day, not bothering to make any comment whatsoever. He wore a bright green frock coat with purple trims, and his silver hair was packed in a large hon. For some reason, his gaze didn’t give me the creeps, but I wondered why he was staring so much, and whose side he
As for the third, he was unnaturally thin, long and seemed to be upset with the fact that he’d been summoned to such a meeting in the first place.
“As long as there are no laws that can stop our union, your disapproval holds no weight. I only brought this issue before you our of respect, which can clearly see has been taken for granted. If you have nothing else to say, I’d like to officially conclude this meeting. Arya will be my brade and the queen of the Lycans, and there’s nothing you can do to stop that Darius said.
“Your majesty, we’re only saying it would be wiser to have a more competent partner by your side.” Baldy said.
“I agree.” Soraya chimed in. Darius and I arched our brows at her. Of course she would agree.
Soraya noticed our stares and cleared her throat.
“It doesn’t matter if I wed his majesty or if it’s someone else of Lycan descent. Arla is a werewolf, she doesn’t know the ways of our people.” Soraya said, and I noted how she’d intentionally mispronounced my naine
“Then she will learn. And its Arya” Darius said, glaring so inte
so intensely at Saraya that it seemed her skin had burnt a bit under the heat of his gaze.
Darius signaled to me but as we were about to leave, someones voice stopped us
“Your highness, please be reasonable. Werewolves are known for their incompetence and disregard for the natural way of shifters. You need to be an example to the people the elder said.
Something inside of me snapped
“Excuse me??” I asked, whipping around to face whoever it was that apparently wanted to meet his end this fine morning.
“Do you deny it Baldy asked, egging me on
“What gives you the impression that werewolves are incompetent?” I asked, anger festering in my chest.
“That question is better reserved for the woman who’s responsible for breaking an age old treaty.” Baldy spat
Darius looked ready to pounce but I held him back. I was going to take care of this myself and wipe the floor with this man if I had to
Chapter 16
“A member of my pack broke the peace treaty, and I took responsibility by stepping forward and taking whatever punishment your kind had in store in place of my subject. 1 healed Calista and I’m more than ready to pay whatever fine you choose to make me pay. But, may I remind you
that this same treaty was proposed by my kind when one of your kings kept encroaching on our lands and plundering our resources. We were reasonable enough to hot wage war or ask for an extravagant fine to keep the peace. Besides, if you’re so competent, then what was the Lycan oracle you all seem to cherish so much a child–doing at the outskirts of your kingdom, completely unguarded?” I asked, my eyes boring a hole into Baldy’s very bald skull.
When Baldy couldn’t find the words to speak, -probably because he stored his words in his stomach which was so obviously stuck between the table–1 continued
“What is incompetent about a leader who is willing to take the fall for a crime in order to protect her subjects! My kind forsakes the natural way of shifters, just because you rely on pigeons to deliver your letters and we werewolves use cellphones? What are you, jealous? If I’m not mistaken.. aren’t pigeons supposed to be part of a shifter’s dier You’re relying on the very animals you’re meant to eat, but simply because you dress in the moldy vintage clothes of your ancestors, you think you’re better than everyone else. Werewolves have abandoned the ways of old but here you are, asking a man young enough to be your son to abandon his mate and choose another beide just because it doesn’t sit right with you“I wid, staring right at Baldy who began to shift uncomfortably under my gaze.
With that, I turned to the rest of the elders seated.
“My kind may be vain, but hypocrites is one thing we’re not. I am Arya Blackwood, future alpha of the Aeternum pack, I’m a werewolf, and you will shame neither me nor my people in my presence” I said, glaring at each and every single one of the council elders before turning around and walking our of the council chambers, leaving a very stunned Darius behand
As I slammed the door to the chambers behind me, I quickly made my way to my room so I could scream into a pillow. I was seething with anger at the nerve of the council elders. Somehow, I’d just known this was how a meeting with them would end up, reason as to why I’d dreaded a negotiation with them in the first place. Those men weren’t even conservative, just self–serving haldies with too much time on their hands.
As I went into my room. I changed out of the obh–so grand clothes Daries had unnecessarily gotten me and had a warm shower to soothe my nerves. While I showered. I took a moment to step out of my Alpha’s need to win at everything and really look at the situation
The council disagreeing to our union was what was best for Darius. I mean, how could I become his queen and then die in a few weeks from now? How would that leave him and his kingdom? Even if we had somehow managed to sway the council to approve our union, I would’ve been forced. to find ways to delay it, dragging things out to avoid the inevitable. In some twisted way, I was relieved I didn’t have to play those games now.
But that didn’t lessen my anger toward the elders and their blatant prejudice. After stepping out of the shower, I dressed quickly and had brunch before deciding to clear my mind with a walk in the royal garden
Being in the presence of all the beautiful flowers had a somewhat calming effect on me and I was able to walk of some my rage. I knew what I’d said to the elders today would probably get me in some trouble, but I’d have time to worry about that later
However, one thing was for sure. I wasn’t going to render an apology to anyone, and if Darius dared to ask such of me, then he was better off with that Soraya girl or whatever her name was.
As I bent to pluck a tulip. I saw someone wave to me from across the garden.
Speak of the actual devil.
“Hello.” Soraya said, walking towards me.
I wasn’t even going to pretend to be nice to her. I was way past that point now.
“Are you here for a private lecture?” 1 asked, glaring at her.
Soraya laughed.
“Quite the contrary.” She said, her expression surprisingly soft and laid back.
“I think we got off on the wrong foot, and I’m here to offer an apology” she said.
I blinked impulsively, staring at her in stunned silence.
“Were you blackmailed?” I finally asked, and Soraya replied with a hearty laugh.
“My attitude towards you was appalling, and I won’t deny that I was very upset to find that Darius was supposedly engaged to someone else but ohh well, you’re his mate aren’t you?” She said.
1 wasn’t sure what Soraya’s intentions were, and 1 stiffed the urge to ask her about her relationship with Darius
doubt his word?” I asked instead.
Chapter 161
“No. Not really. He has no need to lie to the council” Soraya replied, looking off into the distance.
Slowly, she bent down and plucked a lily
“Welcome to the Lycan Kingdom. Arya of the Aeternum pack. I look forward to seeing more of you and hope we can be friends. No hard feelings, right!” Soraya asked, smiling at me.
Her smile fell a bit too overly animated, and my wolf growled cautiously,
“None at all.” I repbed, returning her smile.
Suraya nodded at me and walked out of the garden, graceful as ever
feeling there were very hard feelings between us and as her last name suggested, Soraya would eventually become a thorn in my flesh.
I had a feeling