Chapter 9
“Are you out of your mind??” I yelled in panor, pushing Darius arms off of me
“It’s the best option we have at our disposal Arya” Darians said.
“Your majesty, perhaps you might want to rethink what you’ve proposing” Ebezina said and we both forest to face him.
“Mallonix is an extremely deadly disease. A transfer shouldn’t even be possible, but for some reason, it is in your mate’s case. Something could go wrong, and in the worst case scenario, you both could end up with Mallonis“ Eberina xaxi and a shiver crawled up my spine.
“But what if nothing goes wrong?” Durios asked.
“How could you even be asking that?? It’s already too risky!” I yelled..
“Tell me, Elezina,” Darius insisted,
Ebezina paused for a moment before speaking.
“If everything goes exactly as planned, her Mallonis will be transferred to you, your majesty Eberina saiti.
“Then we’ll give it a shot.” Darius said.
I couldn’t believe my ears
“Ebezina tell him tell him everything that could possibly go wrong if he chooses to do this?” Feried, my eyes pleading with the old man.
Ebezina sighed.
“If you both end up with Mallonis, a retransfer may still be possibile for the both of you.” Ebezina said and my eyes widened in anger and shock.
“Are you encouraging him???!”
“Forgive me, child, Ebezina said. “I wish to say that which is true. However, there’s still the risk of the transfer only being possible for one of you. A transferable Mallonix is like apples growing out of an an orange bees not even the most powerful magic weilders should be able to transfer it in the first place. The only weilders capable of ever pulling this off seized to exist over a millenia ago, and even then it would’ve been done with great difficulty.
“I don’t understand.” I said to him. “I know I got this from my sister, but she doesn’t have any magic.”
There was a small silence before Ebezina spoke again
“This is a puzzle. Problem is, there are too many pieces missing.” Ebezina said. Then turning to Darius, he said.
“Your majesty, if I were to offer my sincerest advice?”
Darius nodded at him. “Speak.”
“There is too much risk involved.” i warted. “But I understand that your mate is with child. The risk of contamination is high, but I can brew a tonic to reduce your chances of contamination to almost zero.” Ebezira finished.
“Thank you” Darius said.
“No!” I yelled.
“Arya relax. We’re in good hands.” Darius said.
“You’re not going to be the vessel, not on my watch.” I said.
Damas peered down at me, his searching eyes boring into mine.
“Do I take this to mean
an you care a
about me?” He asked, a faint, victorious smile tugging at the sides of his lips.
My heart raced in my chest. No, this had nothing to do with love. That was far from the matter at hand, even though my wolf howled otherwise.
“That doesn’t fucking matter!” I yelled, pushing him away from me.
Chapter 9
“This can’t be our only option. There has to be another way.” I said, my voice breaking.
“Arya, there’s no time to find those options.” Darius whispered.
“I have till the rise of the second moon. I’m sure we can think of something..” I began to mutter, desperation creeping into my voice.
“Arya” Darius called.
“There are probably plenty of options. We just need to explore them”
I don’t even need a cure, I just
I enough time to bear my child, then-”
“Arya!” Darius yelled, shaking me with an iron grip.
I stared up at him, my eyes watering as race coursed through me.
“Don’t.” I snapped.
“Don’t what?” he asked gently
“You said you weren’t like the others!” I yelled, trying but failing to shove him off
Darius held me in place with no effort as he looked at me quizzically.
“Tim not.” he said.
“Then why are you doing this? Why do you want to die and leave me alone with your child?? Is this your way of avoiding responsibility?!” I marled, bile rising in my threat and bitter tears sining my cheeks as the walls of my heart threatened to crumble and fall.
I’d sworn to never let anyone see me like this, but the bond between us was so strong that the thought of him dying in my place wrecked me, and all the self–restrains in the world wouldn’t have been enough to keep my emotions reigned in, not when my wolf could so clearly picture the image of our mate’s lifeless body.
The death of a mate is something more painful than rejection. I hated to think I was already attached to Darius, but I could feel my body tremble at the thought of him dying. This was all my damn wolf’s fault. I should’ve been happy that anyone was willing to take my place and die for my sake. I should’ve been f*cking thankful, but I couldn’t, not when the person dying was him.
1 shoved my feelings down, over and over again, trying to keep it under. But it inevitably boiled up to the surface again with a new intensity. Trying to stop myself from feeling this way towards him was like trying to stop myself from breathing. The process was exhausting and ultimately futile.
I watched Darius jaws clench and a wounded growl escaped his lips. Gently, he cupped my face and raised my chin to meet his gaze while his other arm snaked around my back, pulling me close and keeping me anchored to him.
“Do you
think I want to leave you?” he whispered.
I averted my gaze, not answering his question. Darius wiped my tears with his thumb and traced the lines of my face. I tried to brush him off. hating how his touch felt like they were slowly undoing me, but he held me in place
“I don’t intend to die, Arya I’m going to live by your side for the rest of my life and we’ll raise our kid together. I just want to make sure that you don’t have the mallonix. We can find another willing vessel to take it from me, but I need to make sure you and our child are safe first. Darius said.
“And what if we can’t find another vessel in time?!” Lasked, my voice breaking.
“I will” Darus whispered.
“No!” I yelled, and something snapped inside of me. My woll whined and cried out in my head. He was really serious. He was really going to die if 1 didn’t stop him
“No…” I whispered, my voice trembling involuntarily. I couldn’t bring myself to act cool headed and unattached anymore. It was all too glaring what his death would do to me.
“Darius please, don’t. It’s too danger
Darius cut me off as he leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on my lips. I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. We remained locked in each other’s warmth, as if all of eternity and a second passed in that moment. Slowly, Darius pulled away from me. His hand trembled slightly as he brushed my cheek, his eyes searching mine for reassurance,
“Trust me.” he whispered.
Chapter 9
That one staterornt alone felt like he had spoken darrrily to my wolf, making it impossible for me to will myself into doing anything oder than numrender in lam fi tiled my heart with lepe because naneliens, fue knew. He knew the extent of damage his death rondd bring
ruk haring me in any way, nor willingly, not if he cradit help it.
I could feel his love wrap around me like a warm blanket as I let out a shuddered breath
“Its good to see caldien who will respect the mate bond like our ancestors did.” Chezina madenly said, braking our trance. “Texpect no less from
call smile on lais lips that didn’t reach his eyes. He named anal to give me one long last look. His gaze was intense, almost as if he was trying to formonize every detail of my face, like this was the last time he would ever be able to do so.
The asked through our bond.
My wolf whompered at the sound of his voice in any head, and falar flushed red with embarrasment, leping he harlo’t heard, Darius’s eyes were trained in mine, never breaking contact, waiting for an answer. I reluctantly nodded at him, my heart heavy with dread and hope
Darius turned to Ehezina:
“Begin the transfer proorsaTM