Cousin online dating Chapter 2

Cousin online dating Chapter 2

Ow, ow, ow! Stop!he yelled, dramatically 

clutching his ear. Sis, perfect timing! He wants 

to video chat. Can you pretend to be you? I’ll 

give you all my Christmas money!” 

No way! Confess and apologize right now.” 

Sis, it’s Christmas! It’s cruel to tell him he’s 

been catfished by a dude.” 

I punched his arm lightly. You’re the cruel one

catfishing people!” 

Just a few more days! I’ll get to the top of the 

leaderboard, then I’ll tell him I need to focus on 

school and break up with him. I swear! This is 

the last time.” 

He begged and pleaded until I reluctantly 

agreed to take the call

Hey, Amelia, Merry Christmas,a deep, smooth 

voice said on the other end. My heart actually 

skipped a beat. Where did Ethan find a guy with 

a voice like that

HiI started to speak in a girly voice without 

thinking, then cleared my throat and tried to 

sound more neutral. Hi, Merry Christmas.” 

Amelia, what do you want for Christmas?” 

Ethan shot up, grabbed his iPad, and frantically 

showed me a picture of a Nintendo Switch. He 

winked and nudged the screen

I nodded, pretending to understand. Then, I said 

into the phone, For Christmas, I want

complete set of SAT prep books.” 

Ethan’s jaw dropped. I could practically see his 

dreams shattering. Serves him right

Umwhy SAT prep books?the voice on the 

other end asked, confused

Because I have the SATS coming up. I need to 

focus on studying. Which means I won’t be able 

to play Call of Duty with you anymore.” 

Oh. Well, that makes sense. You can still ask 

me if you have any questions about the 

material, though.The voice was still incredibly 


Thanks. I appreciate that.I politely ended the 

call, handed the phone back to a speechless 

Ethan, and said, I’ll be checking your progress 

on those SAT prep books every month. And 

transfer the money back to him for the books. If 

you don’t, Dad’s gonna hear about this. Merry 

Christmas, little bro.” 

I walked away, leaving Ethan standing there


Back in the living room, Sarah had messaged 

me again: Seriously, what is going on with your cousin?” 

I typed back, gloating about my masterful plan

Pretty awesome, right? Totally shut him down.” 

Yeah, but your cousin managed to get a boyfriend. You haven’t,Sarah replied


Sarah and I are opposites. Her yearly summary would be: Dated Tom, dated John, got back 

together with Tom.Mine would be: Single.Sarah attracts guys like magnets. Me? I’m more like a guyrepellant. I’d tried dating, but it never 

really clicked. So, I’d been single through all of 

college and now grad school. I figured the 

romantic part of my brain had probably 

shriveled up and died. Until that phone call

There was a flicker of somethingbut 

realistically, anyone who fell for Ethan’s clumsy 

catfish attempt was probably young and naive

A rich, sweetvoicedminor

I spent the next few days making sure Ethan 

broke things off with his online boyfriend and 

deleted Call of Duty. After he did, I secretly 

downloaded the game myself. If Ethan could 

get a boyfriend using my pictures, so could I. 

Except, I spent the rest of Christmas break 

playing with Sarah. She wasn’t much better 

than me, but somehow she ended up dragging us both down to Gold rank. I was hopeless, running around as a knight, basically pressing 

buttons at random

By the time break was over, I hadn’t even heard a male voice in the game, let alone found a potential boyfriend. Sarah sent me a screenshot of our plummeting rank. I’m never getting out 

of Gold. Maybe I should catfish someone with your pictures too.” 

I sent her a GIF: Blocked.” 


Back on campus, my advisor called me on the 

first day back. Amelia, Professor Hayes from 

the Physics department needs to see you. It’s urgent.” 

I hung up, completely baffled. Professor Adam Hayes was the youngest and, by far, the most attractive professor in the Physics department. Someone had secretly filmed him lecturing, and the video had gone viral on TikTok. There was no logical reason why he’d need to see me

Nervous, I knocked on his office door. It swung open almost immediately. He was standing 

there, in a perfectly fitted white shirt that 

highlighted his athletic build. His top buttons 

were undone, revealing a glimpse of his 

collarbone. My eyes met his. He had the most 

intense dark eyes I’d ever seen

Professor Hayes, you wanted to see me?

managed to say calmly, despite the internal 



Yes, come in.” He stepped aside


As I walked past him, I caught a whiff of 

sandalwood. My knees almost buckled

Before I could even fully enter the room, he 

said, Why did you break up with me?” 

I froze. I looked around. We were alone. He 

wasn’t wearing an earpiece


He looked down at me intently. You said if

bought you the Nintendo Switch, you wouldn’t 

break up with me.” 


I turned into stone. NNintendo Switch?” 

Yes.He nodded. If you wanted something 

else, I would have gotten it for you. Just don’t 

leave me.” 

Cousin online dating

Cousin online dating

Status: Ongoing


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