Cousin online dating Chapter 8

Cousin online dating Chapter 8

Finally, we reached my apartment door. He held 

it open for me

I bowed dramatically. Thank you, Professor.” 

As I turned to go inside, he pinned me against 

the wall, his arms around me. His voice was low 

and husky, tinged with exasperation. Dummy

You’re the girlfriend. Couldn’t you wait a little 


I stopped struggling. But you said I wasn’t.” 


Not then. After you graduated.” 


What’s the difference?” 

You needed to focus on graduating. I didn’t want to distract you.” 


I looked up at him. Soyou’re sayingyou like me?” 

The hallway lights went out, plunging us into darkness. All I could hear was his breathing, and mine

His lips brushed against my forehead. Yes, Amelia. I like you.” 

Do we really have to wait until after 


Yes. It’s almost here.” 

Can I at least get a little something in 




What kind of something?” 

I stood on tiptoe, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him softly

He froze for a second, then his hand cupped my chin. “I can give you a little more than that.” 

The next morning, I woke up to sunlight streaming through my window. Ethan was standing over me, holding a bowl of oatmeal

His eyes were wide with excitement

Sis, breakfast!” 

I rubbed my eyes. I haven’t even brushed my 

teeth yet. What are you doing here?” 

He sat down on the edge of my bed, practically 

bouncing with excitement. Sis, Adam brought you home last night! Are you guys together 


What do you care?” 

Just curious!” 

I glared at him. Get out.” 

After our almostconfession, nothing really 

changed between us. We still played games for 

half an hour every day, still saw each other 

occasionally on campus. He gave me space to focus on finishing my degree

A few months later, right before my thesis defense, the fiancéeshowed up again

Professor Hayes had gone to get us coffee, and 

she’d appeared out of nowhere, blocking my 


Stay away from Adam!she yelled. I’m his 


I decided to push her buttons. “I’m his future girlfriend.” 


You’re lying!” 

Just then, Professor Hayes returned with our 

coffees. Enough. One more word, and I’m 

calling your father.” 


The threat worked like magic. She immediately 

shut up

After graduation, I planned to work for my 

dad’s company, so I wasn’t in a hurry to start 

my career. I started visiting my uncle’s house 

for dinner more often. I noticed my uncle 

seemedmore generous than usual. Ethan had a ton of new Lego sets and other toys. I was worried he was catfishing someone again, so I decided to investigate

I was about to knock on Ethan’s door when

heard him whispering inside

Adam, my sister’s eating dinner. Yes, yes

Mom made her favorite. salmon. No. there are 

no other guys around, I promise. I’m keeping an 

eye out. Quackers? He’s great, fat and happy.

can barely lift him anymore. Adam, are you carrying me in ranked tonight?” 

I froze. The spy was in my own family

I threw open the door, glaring at him

Ethan quickly hung up the phone, looking terrified

Seriously? More lies and spying? Would you 

sell your soul for a good K/D ratio?” 

I didn’t!” 

Don’t lie to me.” 

He looked at me, genuinely. I swear, I didn’t catfish him or ask for money.” 

Then what happened?” 

I just invited him to play Call of Duty because 

he had a high rank in the nearby playerslist

We played a few times, and he was so good! So 

we added each other on social media. Then,

saw his picture and realized it was Adam.” 

You knew him before?” 

He was my tutor for a year when I was 

younger. You’ve met him before, too.” 

My jaw dropped. And you still catfished him?” 

I didn’t catfish him! My profile picture was a picture of us together. He said you were cute, and then he carried me to ten straight wins. After that, whenever I wanted him to play with me, I just posted a picture of you, and he’d message me.” 

Then why did he buy you all those Lego sets and other things?” 



He wanted to know what you liked, so he 

couldyou knowimpress you. He’s a great 

guy, really handsome, amazing at video 

gamesI couldn’t resist helping him out



You’re unbelievable.” 

And you made me talk to him on the phone?” 

He wanted to wish you a happy new year 


Then why were you crying in his office that 


I wasn’t cryingI was trying not to laugh… 

but telling Dad on me was a low blow.” 

And you gave him our location that night at 

the club?” 

He avoided my gaze. Yeah” 


You’re a menace.” 

I immediately called Adam and demanded to 


We sat across from each other at a quiet bar. The lighting was dim. I stared at him seriously, tapping my fingers on the table. My brother confessed everything. Your turn.” 

He looked innocent. Confess what?” 

How you orchestrated this whole elaborate 


I didn’t orchestrate anything. I just wanted to 

get to know you through your cousin. I didn’t 

expect you to believe I was catfishing you.” 

Turns out, I was the one who needed that 

lecture on online scams

Adam stood up and sat next to me, ruffling my 


hair like I was a child. Come on, don’t be mad.” 

I looked up at him. We didn’t even know each 

other. How could you possibly like me?” 

I tutored your cousin years ago. You used to 

come over sometimes. I always got nervous 

when you were around.” 


He took a sip of his drink. And one night, I was walking home after tutoring your cousin and I saw you crying, burying a dead kitten in your backyard. You were in high school, covered in mud and tears. It washeartbreaking, and a little funny.” 

And you’ve had a crush on me ever since?” 

Let’s say I was intrigued. Then, when you adopted Quackers from me, I found out you were attending the same university for grad 


I frowned. Why didn’t you say anything then?” 

He leaned closer, his cool nose brushing 

against mine. I was waiting for you to grow up.” 

My heart skipped a beat

Oops, forgot to block you.I winked. Well, I’m all grown up now.” 

Adam leaned in, one arm wrapping around my waist. His voice was a warm whisper against my ear. Sowhat do you say? Want to give this a try?” 

He took my hand and slipped a sparkling diamond ring onto my finger

I smiled. I’ve been waiting for you to ask.” 

He pulled me into a hug, and his lips found 

mine. All the unspoken words, all the unsaid confessions, melted away in the kiss

After a long moment, I rested my head on his shoulder. Was it love at first sight?” 

Love at first sight,he murmured, and a very 

long game.” 

Cousin online dating

Cousin online dating

Status: Ongoing


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