Familys Regret glowing after prison Chapter 24

Familys Regret glowing after prison Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Fuss 

In the dining room, Joshua, Celeste, Barnett, and Bertha had already taken their seats, but unusually, they refrained from beginning their meal


Upon Aurora’s appearance, Celeste promptly rose, approached her, and warmly took her hand, saying, Aurora, you must be hungry after waking up so early. Come, join us for breakfast.She then led Aurora to the dining table

Joshua occupied the head of the table, with Barnett to his right. and Celeste to his left. Bertha, naturally, sat close to Celeste

Aurora now had two optionsto sit beside Barnett or Bertha

Aurora hated both, but she finally opted for Barnett

She sat beside him with a stonefaced expression, saying nothing. She picked up her spoon and ate the ravioli silently placed before her

All four watched her intently, their expressions varying

Joshua’s face clearly showed anger, which Celeste restrained, barely preventing him from losing his temper with Aurora

Celeste looked slightly embarrassed, wanting to remind Aurora to greet the elders before eating but, remembering the events of the previous night, she held her tongue

Chapter 24 Fuss 


A flicker of resentment appeared in Bertha’s eyes, but she forced a smile and said. Aurora. Daisy specially prepared these ravioli for you How do they taste?” 

Her voice carried a hint of flirtatiousness and ingratiation, but 

Aurora ignored her completely, focusing solely on the ravioli in ber bowl 

Observing this, Barnett took a deep breath, trying to suppress his rising anger. He flashed a forced smile and said, Aurora, after breakfast, remove the bandage from your head. You’re not hurt. With it always on, people might think you’re being mistreated in this family.” 

Aurora paused momentarily while eating, her mouth curling into a sarcastic smile, but she remained silent. Soon after, she resumed eating as if nothing had happened

Quickly finishing her bowl of ravioli in just a few bites, she picked up a napkin from the table, wiped her mouth, and then looked up at them, saying, I’m done. Take your time.” 

Barnett’s anger finally broke free, and he began to reprimand Aurora, Aurora, who do you think you are to give us such a poor attitude first thing in the morning?” 

Aurora looked at him with an unwavering coldness in her eyes, which only fueled Barnett’s rage further

In a fit of frustration, he reached out and roughly tore off the bandage from Aurora’s head, snarling, I’ll see if you’re really 

Chapter 24 Fuss 

hurt or just faking it.” 


As the bandage was ripped away, Aurora felt a sharp pain shoot across her forehead. The sear, which had just begun to heal, was brutally reopened, and blood immediately began to gush out, slowly trickling down her cheek and staining her face with at crimson hue

I knew you were faking itBarnell spat out, but his words were cut short as he stared in disbelief at Aurora’s bleeding forehead

Celeste gasped, her heartwrenching and eyes welling up with tears, asking, Aurora, how did you get that cut on your forehead?” 

A fleeting sense of satisfaction crossed Bertha’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a mask of horror as she whispered, Aurora, are you okay?” 

Aurora seemed oblivious to the pain, her eyes hollow and cold. The constant flow of blood down her cheek created a red haze 

before her vision

Her gaze slowly scanned the four of them, and in that moment, they appeared to her like demons from hell, devouring her soul and trampling on her dignity. Are you satisfied now?” 

Her voice was hoarse, not hysterical, but it struck them like a blow

However, Joshua remained unperturbed, saying indifferently

Chapter 24 Fuss 


It’s just a minor injury. You’re not going to die. Why make such a fuss?” 

An eerie silence enveloped the entire dining room

Aurora’s hands gripped the table tightly, her fingers turning white with the force as if she were about to overturn it

Remembering the previous incident with the overturned table, Joshua was startled and quickly placed his hands on the table, watching Aurora intently

Celeste, Barnett, and Bertha all feared she might snap and overturn the table once more, so they also quickly pressed down on the table

Celeste’s hands shook, her eyes brimming with anxiety and discomfort. Aurora, please calm down. Your father didn’t. mean it like that. He actuallyHe thought your injury wasn’t serious. He was just worried about youShe hesitated, feeling the awkwardness of her words as she tried to justify Joshua’s 


Aurora fixed her gaze on Celeste, her eyes seeming to see 

straight through to her soul. Celeste blushed under her intense scrutiny, her eyes flickering nervously, unable to meet Aurora’s steady look

The tension in the dining room was almost tangible

Aurora’s forehead continued to bleed, the crimson streams tracing paths down her cheek and onto the dining table. The 

Chapter 24 Fuss 

stark red stains mirrored the fragmentation of her heart


Is this how you express your concern?She grated out, her voice tight and strained. How wonderful it is to receive such concern, Mr. Joshua Elvador, Mrs. Celeste Elvador. Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness.” 

With those words, Aurora spun around and left the dining room, leaving the Elvador family without a chance to respond

Barnett, feeling frustrated and his appetite ruined, stood up abruptly. Dad, Mom, I’m heading to the company,he announced and followed Aurora out the door


After settling into the car, Barnett’s eyes fell upon the bloodsoaked gauze clutched in his hand

A sharp wave of anguish spread from the pit of his stomach to every fiber of his being, causing his heart to constrict abruptly

He leaned back in his seat, and an unbidden image of Aurora departing the house the previous morning filled his mind

She had been fine then, but when she returned in the evening, her head was wrapped in gauze

He wondered what she had endured yesterday

Aurora was his own sister, and even given her past mistakes, she was not someone to be bullied with impunity

Chapter 24 Fuss 


Barnett’s hands instinctively curled into fists, only gradually relaxing after an extended period

He reached for his phone and dialed a number. Adolph,Barnett said through clenched teeth, Did you strike Aurora on the head?” 

Is that the reason for your call on such an early morning?The voice on the other end was dispassionate, revealing no hint of emotion

I’m warning you, no matter what Aurora did in the past, she has already gotten the punishment. She is my sister, and you cannot assault her whenever you please,Barnett declared

However, before he could conclude his statement, the call was abruptly terminated on the other end

Barnett’s fury was such that he slammed his phone onto the passenger seat. Fuck!” 

It took Barnett a considerable amount of time to quell his tumultuous emotions. He exhaled deeply before finally starting the car and proceeding to work

At the office, he had no inclination to work, his mind consumed by the vision of Aurora’s bloodstreaked face, leaving him 

restless and agitated

After what seemed like an eternity of internal turmoil, he could no longer endure and reached for his phone to call Daisy

Chapter 24 Fuss 


Daisy, how is Aurora? Has her forehead injury been attended. to?” 

Familys Regret glowing after prison

Familys Regret glowing after prison

Status: Ongoing


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