I settled my new puppy from the pet store,
stroking its head. “Money! Money! Good boy!”
My phone rang. “Ms. Carter, your application
has been approved. When can you start?”
“Tomorrow.” I hung up, kissing my little
Samoyed. “Lucky pup! The money’s really
coming!” The next morning, dressed in my
power suit, I walked into Carter Corp. “Wow!
You’re Bella?” A girl with a ponytail rushed over.
“I’m Jessica. I love your designs! Especially the
‘Rose Poetry‘ collection! I can’t believe I’m
working with you!” I smiled. “Thanks. That’s one
of my favorites, too.” After all, Ethan was the
inspiration behind “Rose Poetry“. Jessica was
enthusiastic, filling me in on company dynamics and office gossip. I quickly settled in. Two days later, Jessica burst over to my desk. “Did you hear? The big boss is coming for an inspection this morning!” “Which big boss?” “Ethan Carter! And supposedly he’s bringing his girlfriend.” Ethan and Chloe? I grabbed my makeup bag and headed for the restroom. I’d thought it
would take time to get close to Ethan, but here was my chance. A reunion with an ex? Gotta look the part.
The entire floor buzzed with anticipation.
Finally, the department head escorted a man and a woman out of the elevator, and everyone fell silent. Ethan held Chloe’s hand, their fingers intertwined, the picture of intimacy. Jessica
nudged me. “Hey, what are you waiting for?
The head wants the design team in the
conference room!” I snapped out of it and
followed her. Ethan sat at the head of the table,
his posture impeccable, his suit accentuating
his broad shoulders. When we entered, he
glanced towards the door. Our eyes met for a
fleeting moment, and I wondered how he’d
react. He simply gave me a cursory look, then
looked away. Like I was a stranger. A pang of
something akin to hurt hit me. I ignored it,
found a seat, and sat down. The department
head bowed and scraped. “Mr. Carter, Ms.
Sanders, the entire design team is here.” Ethan
raised an eyebrow at Chloe. “Take your pick.”
Chloe turned to us, smiling. “Sorry to interrupt
everyone, but Mr. Carter insists on personally
designing my anniversary gift. So, we’ll need
your help.” Show–off. “I smell the stench of
love,” Jessica whispered. “Hey, do you think you
and Mr. Carter’s girlfriend look kinda alike? Or
am I seeing things?” Before I could answer,
Chloe spoke. “I heard Bella just joined us. Could
I meet her?” All eyes turned to me. I stepped
forward, smiling. “Hello, Bella Carter.” Chloe
looked surprised. “I love your work! It’s amazing
how much we look alike, and we have the same
Provocation? Definitely provocation. So, Ethan’s
little girlfriend wasn’t a pushover. Fine by me. I
wasn’t exactly an angel. “Yeah, it’s funny, after
three years, Ethan’s taste hasn’t changed a bit.”
I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, met
Ethan’s gaze, and added with a smile, “He
keeps coming back to this type.” Chloe’s face
fell. Ethan shifted uncomfortably, his dark eyes
fixed on me, his voice laced with sarcasm.
“Unlike some people, I don’t flip–flop and walk
away without a second thought.” My colleagues
exchanged glances, their gossip radar going
haywire. “Bella, you’re such a kidder.” Clearly
wanting to end the conversation, Chloe stepped
between us, blocking Ethan’s view. She forced
a smile. “Well, it’s settled then. Bella, you’ll be
designing Ethan’s anniversary gift for me!” She
emphasized “anniversary gift” as if to
underscore Ethan’s devotion. Too bad for her, I
wasn’t even remotely bothered. “You’re
welcome. Remember the 30% upfront deposit.”
Business is business. If they wanted me to
work, they had to follow my rules. CEO’s
girlfriend or not. The room fell silent. My boss,
Mr. Henderson, glared daggers at me. I could
practically read his mind: “Audacious.
Ungrateful.” Ethan stood up, his tall frame
radiating power. He scoffed. “Don’t worry, you’ll
get paid.” He turned and strode out of the
room. Mr. Henderson sighed. “Bella, what did
you see in Mr. Carter’s retreating figure?” |
feigned innocence. “Tall, dark, and handsome?”
“Wrong! Furious! You have a golden.
opportunity, and you’re throwing it away!” He
stormed off, leaving behind a mix of pitying and
gleeful stares. Only Jessica seemed genuinely
concerned. “Bella, being straightforward is fine,
but in the corporate world, you need to be
more… tactful.” “Me?” I pointed at myself,
confused. “I’m plenty tactful.” Jessica opened
her mouth to say something, but my phone
buzzed. An unknown number. I gave an
apologetic smile and answered. A man’s voice:
“Ms. Carter, this is Mr. Carter’s assistant. He
has something to say to you.” “Oh,” I said. “Are
all CEOs this arrogant? Needs an assistant to
relay a message?” Silence. Then Ethan’s voice,
tight with barely suppressed annoyance: “Bella,
if you want your deposit, unblock me.”
I smacked my forehead. How could I forget?
Ethan’s number and WeChat had been banished
to my block list for three years. Time for a little
fresh air. I unblocked him and looked up to see
Jessica’s expectant gaze. “Was that Mr.
Carter? I was wondering… what’s your history?”
I sighed. “Ex–boyfriend. Ancient history.”
Jessica’s jaw dropped. That evening, while
walking Money, I got a WeChat transfer
notification. An unlabeled contact, just the letter
“E“. The profile picture was familiar, sparking a
distant memory. That scorching summer, I was
obsessed with the song “Coral Sea“. I hummed
it constantly, even while walking down the
street, and filled sketchbooks with ocean
scenes. Ethan would always find a way to
interrupt my drawing sessions. Back then, my
cheeks were still chubby, and he loved poking
them. “You really like the ocean, huh? I’ll buy
you an island someday so you can stare at it all
day.” “I told you a million times, stop poking my
face!” The boyish Ethan grinned like a goofball.
“Your face is so squishy, like a groundhog.” I
scowled and drew a picture of a lonely figure
on a deserted island. “If you call me a
groundhog one more time, I’ll maroon you on
that island!” Snapping back to the present, I
stared at the familiar profile picture. Ethan had
kept that drawing all these years. But he was
terrified of water… Money tugged at the leash,
barking excitedly towards a pet store. The one
where I bought his food and treats. “You little
rascal, you have a good memory.” I scratched
his head as he licked my hand. “And good
timing. Mommy just got paid. Let’s go
shopping!” Money strained forward, and I
swiped to accept the transfer, sending Ethan a meme in return: [Boss is generous.jpg].